Why the Pentagon’s JEDI Saga Is Far From Over
The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure procurement may be grounded until at least February, according to a new timeline agreed to by the government and Amazon Web Services.
Pentagon Awards JEDI Cloud Contract to Microsoft for the Second Time
The decision follows a months-long legal challenge filed by Amazon Web Services.
Pentagon Requests More Time to Review JEDI Cloud Contract Bids
The Defense Department says it wants to further discuss Microsoft’s and Amazon Web Services’ pricing.
Artificial Intelligence
Defense Department’s AI Center Seeks Own Acquisition Authorities
Having its own mechanism for purchasing artificial intelligence will increase speed, according to the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center’s chief.
What Google’s New Contract Reveals About the Pentagon’s Evolving Clouds
For one thing, it disproves fears that the massive JEDI contract meant one company would get all the work.
Amazon Files Another Protest Over JEDI Contract
Microsoft responds by blasting Amazon Web Services for trying to force a do-over for the multibillion-dollar cloud contract.
Judge Grants Pentagon’s Request for Corrective Action on JEDI Cloud Contract
The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract could be on hold for up to four months as the Pentagon reconsiders aspects of it.
Pentagon Attorneys Say Amazon Wants ‘Do-Over’ in JEDI Bid
The Defense Department defended its request for a four-month remand while it addresses issues raised by Amazon’s lawsuit over the multibillion-dollar cloud contract.
Amazon: Pentagon Trying to ‘Gerrymander’ JEDI Corrective Action
Amazon Web Services said the Pentagon’s plan to fix the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure cloud contract is not enough.
Amazon ‘Quite Likely’ to Prove Pentagon Made an Evaluation Error in JEDI Cloud Contract, Judge Says
In an unsealed ruling, a federal judge explains why she issued a hold on work under the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure contract.
Judge Puts Pentagon's Giant JEDI Cloud Contract On Hold
The up-to-$10 billion cloud contract is enjoined until “further notice from the court” while Amazon pursues a lawsuit.
Amazon Seeks Trump Testimony About Pentagon’s JEDI Cloud Contract
Amazon Web Services also wants to hear from Defense Secretary Mark Esper and asked for White House communications in its case against the Defense Department.
JEDI’s Legal Challengers Make Their Next Moves
Amazon Web Services asks a federal judge to stop work on the cloud contract and Oracle knocks back assertions that the procurement was fair because Microsoft won.
Amazon Will File Injunction to Stop JEDI Work
The latest twist in the Pentagon’s JEDI cloud contract could halt further action.
Amazon Cites ‘Political Influence’ in Coming JEDI Protest
Amazon will fight over the $10 billion cloud contract that the Pentagon awarded to Microsoft in October.
Oracle Pledges to Keep JEDI Fight Alive In Court of Appeals
An appeal would bring Oracle’s fight with the Pentagon to over a year, as the department prepares to announce an award.
Defense Department Inspector General Clarifies JEDI Involvement
The Pentagon’s IG is reviewing complaints from multiple sources.
Pentagon Makes Its Case for JEDI
The Pentagon defended its JEDI acquisition Friday and pushed back against “myths” and misinformation.
JEDI Contract on Hold for Defense Secretary Review
It’s unclear whether the review will impact the contract’s timeline.