FCC Approves Google's Motion Sensor Tech

Google / ATAP
Radar-based motion sensing gets a government thumbs up.
Google hopes one day its users will be able to simply wave their hands through the air to control their mobile devices. And now the Federal Communications Commission is making this goal possible, Reuters reported Tuesday.
The technology behind this goal is better known as Project Soli. Google's Advanced Technology and Projects Team first began developing the tech in 2015.
Project Soli uses broad-beam radar to capture movements and gestures, which could be used to control a wide variety of devices.
"The Soli chip can be embedded in wearables, phones, computers, cars and [internet of things] devices in our environment," Google states on the Project Soli website.
Until now, development of the technology was restricted, due to concerns that it would interfere with other tech using that slice of the spectrum. FCC has decided to grant a waiver to let Project Soli develop unabated, however.
"We find that the Soli sensors ... pose minimal potential of causing harmful interference to other spectrum users," the FCC wrote, also stating that Google could even test the technology aboard an aircraft. Google will still have to comply with Federal Aviation Administration regulations though.