More Than Two-Thirds of Big Tech Employees Feeling Burnout At Home

Working from home introduces new challenges for employees.
Millions of employees of the nation’s largest tech firms have been working remotely since the COVID-19 pandemic began in March, but 68% of them report feeling more burned out at home than they ever did while working in the office.
According to a survey of more than 2,500 employees of more than 30 of the largest U.S. tech firms, 67% report working more hours while at home, while the vast majority are unable to make time for activities that help avoid burnout, like exercise, hobbies, dining out or taking vacations.
Employees at PayPal (90%), Facebook (81%) and Google (79%) reported feeling more burned out since the pandemic began. Only two companies’ employees reported feeling less burned out during the pandemic: JPMorgan Chase (47%) and Wayfair (42%).
Employees at every company surveyed reported working as much or more since the pandemic began. Among the largest tech companies, employees at Walmart (81%), PayPal (80%), Expedia (79%), Intel (78%), Oracle (76%), Apple (73%) and Microsoft (70%) reported working more hours.
Employees were almost equally split—51% to 49%—on whether employers were understanding of mental health needs during the pandemic.
The survey of 2,574 employees was conducted by the professional network Blind between Oct. 1 and Oct. 6.
NEXT STORY: FCW Insider: Oct. 21