
Lawmakers to Agencies on FITARA: Get It Together

A House oversight committee pushed IT leaders to set more ambitious upgrade goals after its fifth assessment of federal agencies’ technology.


How Technology Can Help Mitigate Hurricane Harvey-Like Disasters

Well-placed backup and recovery systems can help keep government systems running.


GAO to Agencies: Get a Data Center Plan

A handful of agencies are doing the bulk of the government's consolidation and that's a problem, GAO said.


GAO: Optimize Data Centers or Lose Them

Progress on closing data centers is mixed and the government’s optimization efforts are worse.

Digital Government

Pentagon Tech Chief Says He'll 'Take the Hit' for GAO Criticism of JIE

“What we’ve tried to tell GAO is, in this case, you don’t measure JIE—you have to measure the components,” Terry Halvorsen said.


DOD 'In the Right Spot' With Cloud, CIO Says

In many ways, DOD’s use of cloud computing is not so different from non-IT Fortune 50 companies, Halvorsen said.