Technology Transformation Services Acting Chief Leaves for Private Sector

Kristoffer Tripplaar
Kelly Olson will leave the agency for an undisclosed opportunity.
The acting chief of the General Services Administration’s technology innovation wing plans to leave the agency for a position in the private sector.
Kelly Olson, acting director of the agency’s Technology Transformation Services and deputy commissioner of the Federal Acquisition Service, announced to GSA staff that her last day will be Jan. 18.
The agency announced last month former Suntrust Bank Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President Anil Cheriyan would be the permanent TTS director and Olson would return to her prior role as TTS chief of staff.
“It is with a heavy heart that I share I’ll be leaving GSA,” Olson said in the email obtained by Nextgov. “I've been given incredible opportunities that I've poured my heart and soul into, accomplished a lot along the way, while working with and learning from some of the most diverse, talented and resilient people I've ever met.”
Olson, who assumed the role in August, has also served as director of GSA’s innovation portfolio and strategic initiatives, and events director for Government Executive Media Group, Nextgov's parent company.
As director of TTS, Cheriyan will oversee the government’s internal tech consultancy, 18F, as well as the Office of Products and Programs and the Presidential Innovation Fellows. He will also be responsible for administering the Centers of Excellence—a set of contracts and advisory groups currently working with the Agriculture and Housing and Urban Development departments to improve core digital and IT services.
“I am honored to be a part of the president’s agenda to fundamentally transform and modernize the federal government’s technology,” Cheriyan said in a statement last month. “It comes as no surprise this work has bipartisan support and is highly valued across the government. I am confident we will make tremendous progress in the years to come and look forward to leading the TTS team and serving the public in this important role.”