CYBERCOM Seeks an Integrator for its Cyber Training Environment

Maksim Kabakou/
The integrator will pull together disparate parts of the cyber training environment being built by other contractors.
U.S. Cyber Command is looking for a contractor to integrate all the disparate parts of what will one day be a unified digital training tool for cyber troops.
CYBERCOM’s goal is for troops to be able to plug into its Persistent Cyber Training Environment from six different locations and engage in a wide variety of training exercise, including major annual role-playing exercises that explore novel cyber threat scenarios.
The troops will be able to play cyber attackers and defenders as well as defenders and owners of critical infrastructure such as election systems, according to contracting documents.
Army Cyber Command, which is managing the testing environment procurement for CYBERCOM, has already awarded contracts for several components of the training environment through competitive challenges.
Now Army Cyber is looking for a contractor that can harmonize those components, according to the sources sought notice published Thursday.
The job will likely be divided into six-month capability releases with feedback from cyber troops at each stage, the notice states.
The integrator will also be responsible for developing and managing a portal that collects data about operations conducted inside the training environment and allows users to submit feedback about bugs and other issues, the notice states.
Contractors will have to have a secret-level clearance, the notice states.