Digital Government

A good sign from the new administration about USDS

Steve Kelman notes the strong indicators that the U.S. Digital Service -- and a commitment to digital government more broadly -- are now integral to the federal ecosystem.

Digital Government

Leveraging emerging technologies to transform the citizen experience

To effectively deliver a 21st century experience, agencies must prioritize modernizing digital call centers with these emerging technologies.

Digital Government

White House mulls CXO role at agencies

The White House is considering whether to formalize the customer experience officer role, but also thinking about the position's impact on IT.

Digital Government

Rethinking technology governance

A U.S. Digital Service veteran is looking for civil servants and other federal IT stakeholders to talk about governance obstacles that hinder successful acquisition and deployment of big and small technology projects.

Digital Government

GSA announces 2021 Presidential Innovation Fellows

The upcoming group is the most diverse cohort to date, including 34 fellows that will work across 22 federal agencies.

Digital Government

Voting in Georgia: good news for democracy, bad news about govtech

The lines for early voting in Georgia are a sign of citizen engagement, Steve Kelman writes. But they're at least partly due to a new digital voting system.

Digital Government

USAGov hones data, services

GSA's COVID-19 data aggregation operation sharpens information and services as pandemic continues.

Digital Government

SBA taps cloud for loan forgiveness platform

The Small Business Administration is using a commercial off the shelf software as a services platform to process applications for its loan forgiveness relief program.

Digital Government

D.C museum rethinks visitor tech with social distancing in mind

User apps are a key for African American History and Culture museum's post COVID-19 exhibits, according to a top developer.

Digital Government

Experts tout election security gains since 2016

While threats to election infrastructure endure, experts are telling the public not to lose sight of the many security gains that have been put in place over the last four years.

Digital Government

Disinformation on the cheap

Online influence operations are often easy and cheap to set up with open source tooling, according to new research from Cisco Talos.


To save billions, let's finally put government forms to work

Reimagining form-based data collection as a shared service could transform many agencies' operations.

Digital Government

Lag continues for federal voting system standards

The election community wants the EAC to speed up its process for approving new voting system standards. Public comments on draft requirements show there are still numerous unresolved conflicts to hash out.

Digital Government

'Unprecedented' challenges to safe, secure 2020 vote

Our election infrastructure is bending under the stress of multiple crises. Administrators say they are doing all they can to ensure it doesn't break.

Digital Government

Digital government: the vital prerequisite to a 'new normal'

As the dust settles and pandemic restrictions ease in the coming months, government agencies have a prime opportunity to shift from a state of reactivity to proactivity.


Spy chief sees 2020 election security as 'number one goal'

Gen. Nakasone's remarks come as a group of former senior officials seek funds to counter the "extraordinary challenges" posed by coronavirus pandemic and foreign interference to state and local election administrators.

Digital Government

Schiff: Trump's vote-by-mail attacks are 'seed' for disinformation campaigns

The House Intel Chair said the president's targeting of absentee ballots provides an anchor for foreign and domestic actors to amplify false narratives about the integrity of the 2020 election.

Digital Government

Trade groups renew bid for IT funding in stimulus

Technology groups urge Senate leaders to consider meaningful government IT modernization as a primary support mechanism for COVID response

Digital Government

Wyden disparages purge at Open Technology Fund

The Oregon Democrat is demanding answers about the circumstances behind a series of abrupt firings at the non-profit Open Technology Fund carried out by a Trump administration official.

Digital Government

HUD and GSA make cloud and CX awards

The Department of Housing and Urban Development is pushing ahead with modernization plans via the Centers of Excellence program housed at the General Services Administration.