Safari Browser Is Testing USB Security Keys

Dacian G/

It's the latest web browser to add a boost user security.

If Safari is your browser of choice, you will soon have a new way to secure yourself online. 

Apple released Safari Technology Preview 71 on Wednesday for users to download. and this latest version of the browser has support for WebAuthentication or "WebAuthn" technology. This means instead of using only a password or enabling standard two-factor authentication, users can authenticate their passwords using a physical USB stick.

Safari isn't the first browser to enable this security feature, however.

Microsoft's Edge browser introduced this option for users in April, Firefox made it available in May and Chrome browsers supported WebAuthn by June. Additionally, social networks Facebook and Twitter both have made it an option for users. 

Google actually requires all of its employees to use physical security keys for their logins, as it's one of the best ways to avoid falling victim to phishing. But a physical key isn't fool-proof. Humans have an unfortunate tendency to lose things that are small and important.