Google Safe Browsing Now Helps To Protect Android Users

Production Perig/

If you use Google Chrome on your desktop or laptop, you might have encountered Google's Safe Browsing feature at some point. The feature, introduced in 2007, is designed to warn and protect users from going to potentially harmful websites, like those that could expose you to malware.

Android users can now expect to see similar warnings, Engadget reported.

Google announced Tuesday that the company added Safe Browsing to Web View, the component that allows apps to display web content. It will work automatically, so if you click a link in an app that is potentially shady, you'll be warned in advance.

Users will see the same bright red screen and information about why the website you're trying to enter is potentially malicious, like if the site will prompt you to download sketchy software. You can then choose to go "back to safety" if you don't want to proceed.
