GSA's Sindelar going to EDS
The senior adviser at GSA will take a strategy role at the company.
Bush order tightens IT environmental practices
An executive order Bush issued after his State of the Union address requires agencies to buy and use IT in an environmentally responsible manner.
Acquisition schools to share more curriculum
The Federal Acquisition Institute is phasing in more new courses to bring its offerings in line with those of the Defense Acquisition University.
GSA defends deal with Treasury
GSA will halve management fee, but only for some services.
Agency support for telework perceived to be lacking
Survey shows that most federal managers do not believe their agencies support telework and admit they fear losing control of employees.
GSA deal with Treasury not part of a trend
GSA believes that Treasury's situation is unique, and the price-break deal between the agencies won't lead to other agencies demanding discounts.
GSA applauds telework ruling
GAO's affirmation that an agency can reimburse teleworkers for Internet access upholds GSA policy.
Feds like their work but want more recognition, survey finds
OPM's third workforce study found that employees give high marks to their jobs, but only middling scores for the way they are managed.
Details of TCE deal emerge
GSA agrees to cut Treasury's management fees in half for using Networx.
VA picks AT&T to build network
The company will develop a network to increase VA's bandwidth under the $17 million task order, which came through a GSA contract.
OPM tightens bonus payment rules
A new rule clarifies the criteria managers must use in deciding whether to award a cash award based on performance.
Partnership to feds: Hire retired private-sector workers
The Partnership for Public Service wants the federal government to look to older Americans as a partial solution to the coming retirement wave.
Tellabs pushes carrier-class networks for feds
Although "enterprise" is still part of the vocabulary, agency demands now call for more powerful technology, company says.
It's not your father's telephone operator
FCW’s never-ending stories: Telecommunications issues have been an ongoing subject during the past 20 years.
IAC honors Hobbs
The outgoing Treasury Department CIO was the guest of honor at a party in downtown Washington, D.C., to celebrate his career.
CIOs find SLAs effective
A survey finds that most executives believe SLAs provide accurate and useful measurements of IT services, making outsourcing an increasingly viable option.
GSA IG: Telework policies must be implemented agencywide
GSA's IG finds that agency's telework policies are not consistently implemented, and in some ways conflict with telework guidelines published in the Federal Register.
Panel sees need for acquisition workforce clarity
The SARA panel found that the complexity of federal acquisition and the demands on the workforce have increased substantially in recent years.
GSA to host second Networx summit
The two-day event in January will provide information and opportunities to ask questions about moving from FTS 2001 to the upcoming Networx contract.