Emerging Tech
What 3D-Printed Cake Tastes Like
Sugar Labs substitutes extruded plastic for sugar, and makes a new kind of dessert.
Emerging Tech
Facial Recognition for the People in Your Pupils
Portrait zooms can reveal their photographer.
Emerging Tech
This 6-Year-Old Wants to Be an Astronaut, So He's Petitioning the White House to Save NASA
Connor Johnson started by donating his allowance to the cause. Then he decided to do more.
Emerging Tech
Another Problem for Amazon's Delivery Drones? Angry Birds
The notional postal workers may be flying some exceedingly unfriendly skies.
Digital Government
In the World Series of 1918, the Military Flyover Was Done by Pigeons
Tweets before tweets: Soldiers' 'winged comrades' delivered inning-by-inning updates of the games.
Emerging Tech
Why NASA Launched Jellyfish Into Space
The space agency raised thousands of jellyfish now unfit for life on Earth.
Emerging Tech
Your iPhone: A Cutting-Edge Earthquake Detector?
You may be holding the key to better preparedness -- right in your pocket.
Digital Government
PandaCam, the Star of the Shutdown
As a massive bureaucracy closes for business, the National Zoo offers a lesson in digital news production.
Digital Government
Obama Scooped by Iranian President's Tweet
Even world leaders can get twitchy fingers.
Digital Government
Take a Digital Joyride Through the Large Hadron Collider
The Street View tour of CERN is comprehensive and smashed-particle-free.
Digital Government
49% of the Links Cited in Supreme Court Decisions Are Broken
The flip side of an Internet that is always growing is an Internet that is always changing.
Mark Zuckerberg's Advice to the NSA: Communicate
Facebook learned the power of transparency the hard way. Now, it wants the government to benefit from its education.
Emerging Tech
Why Voyager 1's Entrance Into Interstellar Space Is Such a Big Deal
One small step for a NASA spaceship is one giant leap for mankind.
Emerging Tech
Good News! The UFO Just Spotted From the Space Station Was Not Really a UFO
... But also, imagine being an astronaut and waking to find a mystery object outside your window.
Digital Government
Good News, Future Colonists! Mars Meals May Feature Nutella
And also seafood chowder ... and curried noodles ... and Spam.
Emerging Tech
How a Cat Helped Pioneer New Postal Service Technology, Circa 1897
It's like a Dr. Seuss story, only it actually happened.
Emerging Tech
You Know What's Better Than a Twin Study? A Twin Study Conducted in Space
NASA's latest version of Project Gemini involves actual twins.
Emerging Tech