Digital Government
Lawmakers Want Off-the-Clock ‘Cyber Protection’ for Some Pentagon Personnel
The Defense secretary would be authorized to identify high-risk positions and provide training and assistance.
Digital Government
Does Your HR Office Really Get Cybersecurity?
Cybersecurity as a discipline doesn’t get respect in some quarters, according to a new survey.
Digital Government
Senators Want More Detail on IT Plans Behind New Background Check Agency
Senators fear OPM “is moving forward without firm plans in place."
Digital Government
Lawmaker: Agencies Don’t Need Billions in New Funding to Upgrade Legacy IT
Agencies should repurpose savings from data center consolidation, says Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee’s IT operations subcommittee.
Federal Board Has a Plan to Secure Health, Retirement Plans from Cyberthreats
An upcoming study will focus on “outlining the scalable elements of cyber-risk management strategies for benefit plans.”
Audit: DHS Employees Not Fooled by Phishing Scams
However, some employees are still leaving sensitive paper documents strewn about their cubicles.
Digital Government
Lawmakers Press Census to Appoint Permanent CIO Amid Prep for 2020 Count
The agency’s’ IT shop has been officially leaderless since last July.
Contractor Working on OPM’s Cyber Upgrades Suddenly Quits, Citing 'Financial Distress'
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., said she's “concerned that Imperatis’ default may now delay OPM’s much-needed IT infrastructure and security fixes."
Digital Government
Inefficient Federal IT Like Paying 400 IT Specialists to Maintain a Single iPad
“We're paying a lot of money for fixed capacity that we invested in 10, 20 years ago,” U.S. CIO Tony Scott says. “Call it crazy, I think it's time to bring an end to this."
OPM: A Year After the Big Breach
A senior cybersecurity official reflects on OPM’s upcoming “unfortunate anniversary.”
Digital Government
Watchdog: FEMA Needs Better Plan for ‘Cobbled Together’ IT Systems
By its own admission, FEMA’s IT environment is a tangled morass of systems and applications.
Digital Government
Attention CIOs, Stay on Top of FITARA Even During Presidential Transition
OMB plans to issue new IT budget planning guidance that would “focus on empowering agency CIOs.”
Digital Government
GSA Announces New Governmentwide Tech Unit That Will House 18F
The new unit -- called the Technology Transformation Service -- aims to help other federal agencies take advantage of emerging technology.
Digital Government
New Bill Says Enough of 'E-Gov' Already
The 2002 legislation aimed to push the government toward using “Internet-based information technology to enhance citizen access to government information and services.”
Digital Government
Pentagon CIO in Hot Seat Over Windows 10 'Endorsement'
Halvorsen’s remarks in support of the Microsoft operating system are “unprecedented,” according to one trade group.
House Oversight Committee Probes Social Security’s Vulnerability to Hackers
Lawmakers want a copy of a recent penetration test of the agency’s networks.
Senators Call on White House to Speed Up Cybersecurity Guidance
The current policy on the books dates back to 2000.
Digital Government
Tech Industry Lines up Behind IT Modernization Fund Proposal
Signing on to statements of approval are executives from Northrop Grumman, Cisco, Dell, Intel, CSRA and the pro-business U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Digital Government
Is the Pentagon’s Innovation Unit Too Cozy with Silicon Valley?
Lawmakers are concerned by the "pinpoint focus on one geographic region" in the Defense Department's innovation efforts.
Digital Government