Digital Government

SSA may link with state databases

Despite expected resistance from states House members are considering introducing legislation that could lead to the linking of state welfare databases with the Social Security Administration so that the federal government could reduce the overpayment of certain welfare benefits. The legislation wh

Digital Government

3M, USGS study ways to deliver maps electronically

3M and the U.S. Geological Survey recently signed a research agreement that eventually could lead to the development of kiosks able to print electronic maps on demand. Under a 16month cooperative research and development agreement (CRADA) 3M is working with the Rocky Mountain Mapping Center in Lak

Digital Government

Robbins-Gioia protests GCSS-AF award to Lockheed Martin

RobbinsGioia Inc. last week filed a protest with the General Accounting Office arguing that the Air Force used a flawed evaluation process when it awarded a $900 million modernization contract to Lockheed Martin Federal Systems in the middle of August. In its protest the Alexandria Va. company ass

Digital Government

Study pans fed security role as attack hits Justice site

Federal Information Technology officials caught offguard as hackers broke into the Justice Department's home page received a second wakeup call last week as an independent study was released showing how the majority of federal state and local agencies are wide open to electronic attack.Only days

Digital Government

Mars find may boost IT budget

NASA's extraordinary announcement this month that primitive life may have existed on Mars could boost information technology programs at the beleaguered agency if the discovery convinces Congress and the Clinton administration to push for more funds to search for further evidence of life. Although

Digital Government

Legislation would expand slow child-support effort

When President Clinton signs welfare reform legislation this month a controversial program to develop state computer systems for tracking deadbeat parents that is already years behind schedule will be expanded. Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act the Department

Digital Government

IT vendors pursue GIS standards; users to benefit

Some major information technology companies have begun to develop products that will push the geospatial processing industry toward the establishment of standards and make geographic information systems (GIS) less expensive and more accessible for government and public users. Oracle Corp. and GTE C

Digital Government

House mulls FY '97 funding

House lawmakers say they will reconsider providing funds to agencies as early as fiscal 1997 to fix Year 2000 software problems in computer systems. New appropriations would contradict positions Congress and the Office of Management and Budget took earlier this year, when both insisted that agencie

Digital Government

Survey finds feds behind curve

House members said they were 'appalled' by a survey released last week that showed a majority of federal agencies have done very little to develop plans to cope with the Year 2000 problem, prompting the House oversight committee that conducted the survey to issue failing grades for most agencies. O

Digital Government

Industry seeks federal partnership

Industry is aiming to pressure government to work with it on standards for digital mapping technology, a move that would go a long way toward tying together the estimated $5 billion worth of geospatial data the government generates every year. Corporations and industry consultants recently formed a

Digital Government

House boosts Justice; Commerce, State suffer

In its continuing effort to fight crime, the House last month approved increases for many Justice Department information technology programs, particularly those in the FBI and the Immigration and Naturalization Service. But those increases came at a cost. The House approved smaller increases for so

Digital Government

Mapping standards for cooperation

When John Moeller talks about geographic information systems (GIS), he sounds more like a poet or novelist than a scientist. 'When you get down to it, the thing that links all of us together and determines who we are is geography,' Moeller said. 'That's what holds communities together: the geograph

Digital Government

INDUS buys fellow 8(a), doubles size

In a move to expand its base of federal customers, information technology and systems integrator INDUS Corp. has acquired the federal division of Vigyan Inc., an 8(a) specializing in aerospace engineering, for an undisclosed sum. With the purchase, announced last week, INDUS, a Vienna, Va.based 8(

Digital Government

FBI tech tracks evidence

Although the FBI last week declined to comment on its role in the ongoing investigation of TWA Flight 800, Danny Greathouse, former chief of the FBI Disaster Squad until his retirement this year, said the bureau is probably using the same technology it employed in its investigation of the 1995 bomb

Digital Government

Agencies, Congress prepare for ITMRA

President Clinton signed an executive order last week outlining in broad strokes the responsibilities for chief information officers and rules for setting up 'interagency support structures' so that agencies can coordinate, exchange ideas on and set standards for information technology projects gov

Digital Government

DOD loses bid to expand exemptions

In a sly move that ultimately was foiled by congressional leaders, the Defense Department quietly had an amendment attached to the House fiscal 1997 authorization bill that effectively would have exempted nearly all military and some civilian information technology systems from federal oversight. T

Digital Government

Disputed CIOSP style earns Kelman's support

The Clinton administration has thrown its support behind the process under which the National Institutes of Health is preparing its controversial Chief Information Officers Solutions & Partners (CIOSP) governmentwide contract. The administration's support, which is not an endorsement or approval of

Digital Government

CIOs' most daunting task: performance measurement

Developing proper ways to measure the performance of information technology projects will be the most difficult task that chief information officers will face when agencies fill these new management positions in the coming months, according to the Industry Advisory Council (IAC). Developing perform

Digital Government

Explosive changes loom as Independence Day nears

For many federal agencies, Independence Day this year comes on Aug. 8 the day the Information Technology Management Reform Act (ITMRA) goes into effect, bringing with it significant reforms in government procurement and management. In this new world, the government has been stripped of its centra

Digital Government

DOJ, Treasury to team on firearms tracking system

President Clinton last week signed a directive instructing the departments of Treasury and Justice to put into place a computer system to track the sale of guns used in crimes and to help prosecute gun traffickers who sell illegal firearms, particularly to minors. Under the Youth Crime Gun Interdic