Digital Government
Fingerprint work added to earlier IAFIS pact
Just weeks away from award, the FBI last month canceled its $25 million Fingerprint Image Capture System (FICS) contract, the last of five contracts that will make up the bureau's highprofile Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS). FBI officials said the contract was cancel
Digital Government
Panel cites lack of preparedness
Preliminary findings from a congressional survey indicate that most federal agencies have only just begun to develop plans to tackle the problem of reprogramming their computers to accept the Year 2000, prompting major concern among lawmakers about the possible consequences. The survey which was
Digital Government
Report calls for CIOs' role in agencies' upper echelons
Agencies should emulate the private sector and make chief information officers part of an agency's inner executivemanagement circle if the government's push to establish a topexecutive position for information technology is to succeed, according to a draft report from the Industry Advisory Counci
Digital Government
HUD, DOJ use mapping for crime reduction
The Department of Housing and Urban Development and the National Institute of Justice plan to launch this summer a geographic information system (GIS) application designed to reduce crime in public housing projects. The Computer Mapping of Crime in Public Housing program will track emergency '911"
Digital Government
Child-support tracking draws fire
Federal and state governments have wasted billions of dollars in a 12year program to develop computer systems to track down parents skipping out on childsupport payments, according to a study released last month. Since 1984, when Congress made federal funding available to states to develop child
Digital Government
System tracks disease; links labs, health care centers
The National Center for Infectious Diseases (NCID) plans to use part of a $26 million boost in its fiscal 1997 budget to build a computer system to track emerging infectious diseases that are fatal and becoming resistant to modern drugs. The Clinton administration is lobbying strongly for what it c
Digital Government
NIH preps wide-scale imaging pact
The National Institutes of Health last week released a request for proposals for one of the largest imaging, document management and workflow contracts in government to date. NIH plans to make multiple awards by the end of this month for its ImageWorld contract, an estimated $100 million, fiveyear
Digital Government
Unisys official winner of IWS/LAN contract
Unisys Corp. last week was formally named the winner of the Social Security Administration's sevenyear, $185 million Intelligent Workstation/Local Area Network (IWS/LAN) contract, the core program through which SSA officials plan to modernize the agency's operations, streamline administration and
Digital Government
CIOSP program moves to cutting edge
In an effort to award a governmentwide contract before federal agencies begin the fiscalyearend shopping spree, the National Institutes of Health last week prequalified 29 vendors for its $100 million Chief Information Officer Solutions and Partners (CIOSP) project. NIH plans to award 12 to 15 co
Digital Government
Printrak expands marketing reach
Printrak International Inc., the leading supplier of automatic fingerprint identification systems (AFIS), is broadening its marketing reach to include nonlaw enforcement government agencies and the commercial sector. Printrak has built almost its entire business on providing AFIS technology to law
Digital Government
Unisys apparent winner of $300 million IWS/LAN
Unisys Corp. is the apparent winner of the Social Security Administration's sevenyear, $300 million Intelligent Workstation/LocalArea Network program, the core of the agency's modernization effort. A central part of SSA's ambitious reinvention effort to streamline the agency, reduce administrativ
Digital Government
InPower markets human resources product governmentwide
InPower Inc. announced last week it would begin marketing months ahead of schedule its federal human resources management system throughout the government. In introducing InPower Federal, the vendor joins such companies as Oracle Corp. and PeopleSoft Inc. in chasing after what is expected to be a g
Digital Government
GSBCA upholds protest of $100 million SSA procurement
The General Services Administration's Board of Contract Appeals has ordered the Social Security Administration to change the way it evaluates software licensing fees on its $100 million mainframe contract. The order was included in a decision issued last week granting two of four items in a preawa
Digital Government
U.S., Mexico to build border database
The United States and the government of Mexico signed a groundbreaking agreement last month that clears the way for the two countries to create a standardized and comprehensive electronic database of maps of the neighboring countries' shared border. The U.S./Mexico Border Aerial Photography Initia
Digital Government
CDC to track illnesses in Atlanta
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is using this summer's 1996 Olympics Games in Atlanta to test a new computer system designed to track the ailments and illnesses that spectators may contract.
Digital Government
SSA's Adams focuses on Year 2000
When Kathleen Adams agreed last year to chair an interagency committee on the Year 2000, she never thought that she would attract so much attention. "You think about the genesis of how this thing got started," said Adams, whose fulltime position is associate commissioner of the Office of Systems
Digital Government
ALMRS open governmentwide
Citing the pinch of increasingly tight budgets, the Interior Department's Bureau of Land Management has launched an innovative procurement program that opens up its $403 million Automated Land and Mineral Record System/Modernization (ALMRS) contract to other land management agencies.
Digital Government
EIA's 5-year forecast predicts slight drop in IT spending
Despite continued pressure on the federal budget, agencies' spending on information technology should drop only slightly over the next five years, according to an annual forecast conducted by the Electronic Industries Association.
Digital Government
INS/SSA plan draws fire; critics fear federal abuse
A new employment eligibility verification system that the Social Security Administration and the Immigration and Naturalization Service plan to test this summer is coming under attack for giving the federal government too much power over its citizens.
Digital Government