
Defense Logistics Agency Is Building an EHR to Track Occupational Health

The agency seeks an enterprisewide view of records and whether facilities meet health and safety standards. 

Digital Government

How the Veterans Affairs Department Went Digital During the Pandemic

Senior officials shared details and numbers on the department’s COVID-19-specific deployments.

Digital Government

How NIH’s Research-Driving, Centralized Hub for COVID-19 Patient Data is Evolving

Scientists are drawing insights via an enclave of patient records from 7.6 million individuals.

Emerging Tech

Air Force Wants to Spot Potential Outbreaks in Personnel Sooner with Wearables

Top officials are also looking into data integration and digital traceability tools to help keep staff healthy.


Data Privacy Laws in the US Protect Profit but Prevent Sharing Data for Public Good – People Want the Opposite

People produce mountains of data every day, but not all data is treated the same under the law.

Digital Government

VA Records Uptick in Staff Vaccinations Following Expanded Order

The agency uses a records system to document compliance with coronavirus requirements.


Hackers Strike Another Hospital System

Cybercriminals struck Memorial Health System, a nonprofit that runs three hospitals, outpatient service sites and clinics spread across southeastern Ohio and northwestern West Virginia.

Digital Government

You’ve Been Vaccinated. Now Prove It.

Proponents of vaccine passports say the credentials give vaccinated people more assurance as they resume going out and could spur the reluctant to get vaccinated.

Emerging Tech

VA’s Extended Reality Network Expanding Across Agency  

There are more than 75 Veterans Health Administration sites using extended reality in some fashion.


VA Halts Health Records Deployments Through 2021

The decision follows a 12-week strategic review ordered by VA Secretary Denis McDonough.


VA Secretary Outlines Structural Changes to EHR Rollout

The secretary updated Congress on three pivotal changes coming to the program, including shifting the schedule to focus on sites that are ready to handle the deployment.


More Underestimated Infrastructure Costs Could Raise VA EHR Price Tag $2.5B

The latest inspector general report shows more underreported infrastructure costs for the electronic health record program, prompting lawmakers to call a hearing for later this month. 


A Catch-22 Is Keeping Telemedicine Off the Battlefield

Wargame planners won’t include even low-bandwidth telehealth until it has proven valuable in wargames.

Emerging Tech

White House, NIH Directors Weigh in on Proposed Health and Human Services Research Arm

The proposed $6.5 billion Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health will need a very specific work culture and an inspiring first leader to be successful, key officials said.


HHS Puts Up $80M to Increase Number and Diversity of Health IT Workforce

The four-year effort will focus on improving data collection—especially around race and ethnicity—and training a more diverse health informatics and technology workforce.


Joint DOD-VA Medical Center Will Be Major Test for Electronic Health Record Interoperability

Officials said they are preparing to deploy the new records system at “the most integrated facility” in the Defense and Veterans Affairs health care networks.


VA to Wrap Health Records Review ‘In a Few Weeks,’ Secretary Says

Denis McDonough told lawmakers the agency would change the management and oversight of the multibillion-dollar modernization program.