Rising Star: Shayla Parker

Shayla Parker, assistant product director in the Army's Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, led the implementaton of a system that is part of the troop deployment process.
Capt. Shayla Parker
Age: 32
Organization: Program Executive Office for Enterprise Information Systems, U.S. Army
Title: Assistant Product Director
Nominated for: Leading the successful implementation of the Transportation Coordinators’ Automated Information for Movement System II in Afghanistan, Iraq and Kuwait, which plays an important role in the Army’s deployment process.
First IT mentor: Douglas Haskin
What you're most proud of accomplishing on the job: Overseeing the development of easy-to-use software products that assist my fellow service members while deployed. These products aid in the Army deployment process by improving the in-transit visibility of equipment and supplies within theater.
Career highlight: Retiring a legacy system and implementing TC-AIMS II in southwest Asia. It supports all unit movements, including deployments and redeployments, retrograde of equipment from theater, and commercial and military surface transportation coordination and control.
Your advice for a government IT wannabe: Learn your job, keep up with what’s new, stay well informed, and have fun.
What you enjoy most about working in government IT: I enjoy how information technology is always evolving and I’m in a position to employ that technology in our software products.
Favorite job-related bookmarks/apps: TIS.Army.mil, TechRepublic.com, EIS.Army.mil
NEXT STORY: Rising Star: Tara Miner