What You Need to Know About the Latest iPhone Update

A customer sets up his new iPhone 7 Plus.

A customer sets up his new iPhone 7 Plus. Kiichiro Sato/AP File Photo

An easier way to keep you iPhone secure.

Apple's latest operating system, iOS 10.3, is available for download and has a few key features users should know about.

The new operation system boasts Apple ID profile information, which also includes information about all of your Apple accounts and all of the Apple devices associated with those accounts. You'll still need to officially log into "Find My iPhone" to locate everything.

Users can also easily activate two-factor authentication to their Apple accounts. This added level of security is key in today's hackable world.

To better organize your phone, Apple has provided a detailed breakdown of iCloud storage so users can figure out what is eating up all of their storage and how to clear it out.

One other cool feature? Apple Maps now features a weather icon, showing users the temperature of wherever they are looking on the map.

To learn more, check out the video below from CNET

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