You might want to be prepared for two North Korean nuclear tests

South Korean protesters shout slogans during a rally against possible nuclear tests by North Korea in Seoul, South Korea. Ahn Young-joon/AP
Based on satellite surveillance, South Korean officials have determined there's activity at a second underground tunnel at Punggye-ri.
Not satisfied with upsetting the entire world with a new nuclear weapons test, there's now speculation that North Korea may be planning two tests, possibly back-to-back or even simultaneously. When last we had checked with them, there were reports that the North Koreans were camouflaging an entrance to one of their underground tunnels at the Punggye-ri nuclear test site. That's basically the tell-tale sign that they're up to something and military officials believe it's also an attempt to block satellite surveillance. And that's bad news if you don't like a country as hostile as North Korea getting nuclear arms.
Remember, on Thursday the state-run news agency said that "Paektusan revolutionary army have already been in full readiness to shower fire of merciless punishment on the disgusting den of evils"—the U.S., according to North Korea's state media, is one of those "disgusting dens of evils."
Now, based on satellite surveillance, South Korean officials have determined there's activity at a second underground tunnel at Punggye-ri, which could mean a second nuclear test. "There is a chance that the southern tunnel is a decoy, but we aren't ruling out that the regime will conduct nuclear tests simultaneously at both tunnels," a military source told the South Korean Chosun Ilbo newspaper.