Spencer and the School Spirit Mafia Band Backs LightSquared

Over the past week I've trolled through the comments filed with the Federal Communications Commission on whether or not LightSquared should get the green light for a broadband network, which may or may not interfere with GPS signals, depending on who you listen to.

The total number of comments now stands at 2,823 and it seems every kind of farmer in America -- except those who grow marijuana -- decided to let the FCC know that LightSquared will foul up GPS-enabled precision farming operations.

LightSquared has pitched its network as a way to deliver the promise of broadband to rural America, and it seems half the population of Maine -- among other states -- wrote to the FCC in support of LightSquared.

My favorite commenter in this whole saga is Spencer Albee, a rock musician in Portland, Maine, who fronts the Spencer and the School Spirit Mafia band.

In his filing with the FCC, Albee said, " In a state like Maine, where so much of our "scene" might include statewide collaboration and expansion, slow Internet speed should not be accepted as just another consequence of choosing not to live in a Top 20 metro market."

Albee urged the FCC to approve the LightSquared network and added, "Those of us willing to choose places with high quality of life should not be banished to a technological backwater."

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