Top 10 Tech Skills for 2011

Interested in keeping up or fine-tuning your skills to meet new IT demands in the coming year? Gartner has identified the top 10 technologies and trends that will have a significant impact on organizations over the next three years. Whether you plan to stay in your current job, move to another job in government, or move to the private sector, the top trends may give you some insight into areas of expertise that could earn you top dollar. Are your skills up to par?

The top 10 technologies for 2011 are:

  1. Cloud computing
  2. Mobile applications and media tablets
  3. Social communications and collaboration
  4. Video
  5. Next generation analytics
  6. Social analytics
  7. Context-aware computing
  8. Storage class memory
  9. Ubiquitous computing
  10. Fabric-based infrastructure and computers

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