Not for Sale

I usually ignore reader comments (and I get some doozies) but the comment on the <a href=>$100 Million Dental item</a> I posted on Monday deserves a reply.

I usually ignore reader comments (and I get some doozies) but the comment on the $100 Million Dental item I posted on Monday deserves a reply.

That comment implied -- nay, boldly declared -- that I'm getting paid off by SAIC.

Balderdash. I have a hard time getting someone from SAIC on the phone. If I really wanted to make more money I'd become a fed.

I'm well compensated, and greed has never been one of my sins. But one of the ironies of this job is that I have spent 25 years listening to complaints from federal workers that they don't make as much money as folks in the private sector, except when I check the pay scales, the whiners make more than I do.

But, then, I have all the glory of seeing my name in print (or on a Web site), which does not pay any of the tab at Whole Paycheck.

NEXT STORY: Congress Backs 2 Percent Pay Raise