
Pentagon CIO prepares to take over 5G network portfolio

The plan is to build on existing test programs, like smart warehouses, while exploring new territory.


The Pentagon’s innovation arm has a new chief and a new strategy

‘DIU 3.0,’ now under SecDef review, aims to embed teams in the combatant commands.


Job 1 for makers of anti-drone defenses: write good software

Pentagon buyers are looking for control systems that are reliable, easy to use, and simple to update.


US offers rare preview of upcoming spy-satellite launch

Officials talked about Tuesday’s launch of NROL-107 in a bid to “deter the adversary.”


Army hopes big-data techniques can help secure its clouds

“Multifactor authentication will not be enough,” said the Army’s senior cyber leader.


Defense Digital Service elevates top deputy to serve as director

Jennifer Hay will lead the Defense Department’s in-house team of software engineers and data scientists.


Army looks to de-tangle its networks to combat China’s ‘digitally native’ military

By year’s end, troops should be able to jump on a network from just about any location, an Army cyber leader said.


Air Force taps enterprise IT director as new CIO

Officials confirmed the armed service named Venice Goodwine to replace outgoing CIO Lauren Knausenberger.


New AI laser system to guard US capital region from unauthorized aircraft

‘The first line of defense is actually that they will beam a laser at the cockpit of the aircraft.’


Future wars will turn on space-cyber-special operations triad: Army SOF chief

The success of information ops is “the most important lesson learned from Ukraine right now.”


US can use tech as strategic tool to dissuade Chinese aggression, experts say

New and emerging technologies could bolster U.S. information-sharing capabilities as part of a strategic effort to combat Beijing’s aggressive posturing in the Indo-Pacific.


DOD pushes cloud buyers to JWCC

The Defense Department's top tech official directed defense agencies to tap the multi-vendor Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability contract for new cloud acquisitions and is requiring all top-secret cloud buys across the Pentagon and military services to use the vehicle for top secret capabilities.


Army gets new prototypes of Microsoft’s augmented reality headsets

The military branch plans to begin testing the updated variant of its Integrated Visual Augmentation System this month.


How the US is using open-source intel to track Russia's war in Ukraine

Analysts are moving beyond who-what-when-where to "really focusing on the why,” a senior defense intelligence official said.


DOD, OMB expect September release of proposed CMMC rule

The rule that details the defense industrial base's new cybersecurity standard appears ready for review at the Office of Management and Budget.

Artificial Intelligence

DOD experimenting with generative AI, even as ‘potential downsides’ give officials pause

The deputy chief of the agency’s AI office said the department is working with industry to address concerns about the emerging tech.


Space Force will look at how to hack targets from space

“We're laying the groundwork for starting to figure that,” said the leader of Space Operations Command.


DOD aims to leverage AI and automation in records management

The Defense Department wants to harness the powers of emerging technology to reduce user burden and enhance enterprisewide records management processes, according to a plan the agency released this week.