GAO: SSA's contracting guidance lacks agility

The Social Security Administration has embraced agile software development, but needs to delineate how contracting personnel fit into the picture, says federal watchdog

The Social Security Administration spends about $1 billion a year on upgrades to retire legacy systems. The agency has emphasized the importance of modernizing its aging IT systems with agile software development techniques, but it hasn't been as agile in adopting acquisition practices for them, according to a new report by the Government Accountability Office.
The report, conducted at the request of Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.), the ranking member on a key Ways and Means subcommittee, said the SSA's program to modernize its aging IT systems using incremental software development doesn't have clear roles for its contracting personnel to get those services.
The GAO reviewed 27 SSA contracts for the report, evaluating how they handled agile acquisition. It also looked at previous reports from the agency's inspector general on systems that used contractors trained in agile techniques. Those contracts included the agency's Disability Case Processing System and Disability Case Processing System version 2.
It found that although SSA adopted agile development in 2015, its acquisition practices to get the capabilities remain patchy.
"Given the complexity and pace of agile programs, contracting leading practices for agile adoption state that clearly defined roles and responsibilities to promote effective contract oversight and management are critical to successful program outcomes," the report states.
While SSA has agile guidance for team members, but SSA's acquisition handbook does not identify how contracting officers should handle IT contracts and task orders that have agile processes in them.
GAO said agile acquisition recommendations in its own guidebook call for agencies' acquisition policies and guidance to provide clear lanes for contracting personnel.
SSA, auditors said, should spell out those roles in every acquisition to make them more efficient. GAO recommended SSA's commissioner and CIO office work with the agency's Office of Acquisition and Grants on developing relevant guidance to identify contracting officials' role in agile software development processes.
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