Digital Government
Farmers and allies seek looser drone rules from Congress
After hearing testimony from the farm data industry, lawmakers might push the FAA to relax line-of-sight rules for drone operators.
Digital Government
Lawmakers look to GAO for answers on IT acquisition
The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asked GAO to scrutinize acquisition practices, the U.S. Digital Service's work priorities and the implementation of FITARA's CIO authorities.
High-impact federal systems are vulnerable and under constant assault
According to a new report, federal agencies that store critical data are not fully prepared for the ongoing uptick in attacks on IT systems.
DOD bullish on bug bounties
"Hack the Pentagon" turned up almost 140 vulnerabilities in a demonstration of how DOD can capitalize on crowdsourcing.
The three-month FedRAMP approach
The FedRAMP team is bullish on getting cloud service providers through the approval process in a single quarter, thanks to its new pre-assessment phase.
Digital Government
State Department eyes electronic health records
The State Department plans to deploy a new global electronic health record system to support U.S. diplomatic missions worldwide.
Digital Government
IRS goes XML with tax-exempt forms
The tax agency is making tax-exempt filings available in machine-readable format.
One year after outage, MSPB shakes up tech shop
The Merit Systems Protection Board is reassigning its long-serving CIO in the wake of a systems outage that continues to ripple through the agency.
Why should feds care about blockchain?
Federal standards setters can't predict how blockchain might serve government ends, but secure voting, health records and identity management are possible applications.
Digital Government
White House, Senate at odds over Census funding
The administration is concerned that a Senate appropriations bill starves the Census Bureau of $100 million needed to complete the 2020 Census design.
$3 billion worth of IT is about to kick the bucket
Federal CIO Tony Scott is again warning that the government faces a crisis of outmoded IT.
Social Security looks to scrap 30 years of code
The SSA CIO is hoping a new funding vehicle will allow his to scrap his entire existing code base and re-write a better system – if overseers will only trust him.
DOD IT is killing CACs
Pentagon CIO Terry Halvorsen plans to eliminate Common Access Cards from IT systems within two years, while moving to a mix of better authentication methods.
Digital Government
FAA joining the chief data officer movement
The airspace agency is hiring for its newly created data management leadership role.
Digital Government
IRS crowdsources the future look for tax accounts online
After its first-ever crowdsourcing push, the IRS came away with four winning designs to guide its future taxpayer dashboard work.
Digital Government
Lawmakers see promise in 18F and USDS, despite a few warning signs
The digital services teams could do more to align with FITARA, but overseers displayed as much optimism as scrutiny following a GAO report on the teams' work.
Digital Government
Watchdog warns on 18F's finances
Despite having plenty of satisfied customers, the government startup is losing millions of dollars each year.
Digital Government
Census says tech overhaul is on schedule
Watchdogs are worried the Census Bureau won't be able to successfully juggle 2020 plans and an ambitious tech overhaul.
It's time to trash your legacy system and rewrite from scratch
At least one federal tech chief has become convinced that instead of prolonged, incremental modernization of legacy IT, agencies should just rewrite their entire systems in a modern environment.