Panel wants IT security reports from NASA
The House's version 2008 NASA authorization bill calls for two reports detailing the space agency’s security controls and IT vulnerabilities.
DOE to help centers collect data
The Energy Department will release new software to help data centers collect energy efficiency information.
EPA needs data center energy data
Officials of the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program want to define energy use measurements for data centers, but they need more information.
Digital Government
Estimate shrinks for Census' handheld contract
An independent evaluation found the estimated cost of the Census Bureau's contract with Harris may be hundreds of millions less than previously estimated.
HP/EDS merger could simplify contracting
Hewlett-Packard’s planned purchase of Electronic Data Systems for $13.5 billion will likely help better position HP as a performance-based services provider.
NASA CIO doubles as teacher, coach
Jonathan Pettus seeks to bring NASA’s centers together with a single focus.
Digital Government
Coalition to fight cyberterrorism
Governments and information technology companies are combining forces to fight cybercriminals.
DHS, HHS earn kudos for transparency
A university study finds the two large agencies have made their goals more outcome-oriented and transparent.
DHS procurement shortages hinder performance contracts
The House Homeland Security Committee's chairman said DHS’ lack of experienced procurement staff members is creating cost overruns and poor outcomes in performance-based contracts.
Digital Government
Money seen as problem for clearance process
The designers of the updated security clearance process say many obstacles await the new system’s implementation, including uncertain funding.
Practice sessions spur COOP programs
State government leaders found that taking training with elements of surprise helps agencies and legislatures think about emergency planning.
DHS delays TWIC deadline
The department has moved back the compliance date by seven months as demand increases for the maritime workers’ secure credential.
Court reverses error on injunction review
A federal appeals court might still review an injunction that shielded employees at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) from the background investigations required under HSPD-12.
Technology changes states' financial models
Members of a panel of experts say yearly appropriations models can't keep pace with the fast pace of technology innovation.
CIO: Young workers create new headaches
Molly O’Neill says the social media can bridge the gap between young and old feds.
Digital Government
National Labs develop improved searches
Employees at the Los Alamos laboratory develop a knowledge management tool to better find and sort information.
Transportation secretary launches blog
Mary Peters becomes fourth agency head to start an online journal.
Census blamed for scope creep
Bureau could have avoided abandoning paperless survey, contract experts say.