Author Archive
Mitch Herckis
Route Fifty Senior Editor and Director of Strategic Initiatives

Mitch Herckis is Route Fifty’s Senior Editor and Director of Strategic Initiatives. Mitch has spent 15 years focused on state and local public policy on behalf of non-profit organizations, the private sector, and now Route Fifty. Mitch most recently served as Director for State and Local Government Programs at a cybersecurity company. Mitch has also served as the Director of Government Affairs for the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO), and Senior Legislative Counsel and Principal Associate for Federal Relations at the National League of Cities. Mitch has also served as a consultant, strategist, and advocate for individual states, cities, and towns on a variety of public policy concerns. He has represented federal employee associations to Congress and the Administration, and served as a producer and co-host for a Clear Channel radio talk show. Mitch holds both an MA and BA in Political Science from American University.
The Cybersecurity Crisis Requires Getting Serious About Diversity
It is not simply a numbers game: diversity is a proven “differentiator” that research shows makes organizations better.
- By Mitch Herckis
Contractors and Advocacy Groups Push Back on State Efforts to Mandate Surveillance Software
State legislation pushed by one company to require contractors to install the software would compromise data privacy and carry steep costs for companies and governments, the groups argue.
- By Mitch Herckis
Emerging Tech
Government Needs An ‘Ethical Framework’ to Tackle Emerging Technology
At SXSW, a beacon of technology idealism, mayors discuss how to deal with the difficult problems that can come with new tech.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
A Startup Wants to Turn Your City’s Trash Into a Heap of Big Data
One company hopes to create an “Internet of Garbage,” with the promise to bring better logistics to municipal waste.
- By Mitch Herckis
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence Now Helps People Find Jobs
A group of young entrepreneurs is looking to empower workforce agencies and job seekers, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence.
- By Mitch Herckis
Brian Kemp Was Warned of a Cyber Vulnerability. He Weaponized It—Again
Georgia’s secretary of state and Republican gubernatorial candidate has a history of attacking those who point out the flaws in his state’s election cybersecurity.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
Eliminating Tech Tribalism in Government
Are public sector agencies ready take tech collaboration to the next level? Our survey says government officials want to, but don’t know where to start.
- By Mitch Herckis
Election Officials Tout 2018 Security Coordination as 'Miles' Ahead of 2016
Two key officials say offices at all levels of government are rapidly bolstering defenses ahead of November elections.
- By Mitch Herckis
After a Major Cyberattack, Does the Public Deserve an Explanation?
The ransomware that crippled Atlanta raises unanswered questions about how to communicate with citizens after a cyber-attack.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
States Dive Into Cryptocurrency Fray
From dealing with Ponzi schemes to financial windfalls, state leaders are weighing how to best handle the future of nationless money.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
San José Mayor Quits FCC Broadband Group Due to ‘Predetermined, Industry-Favoring Outcome’
Liccardo’s resignation reflected critic’s frustration over the committee focus on industry concerns with state and local government.
- By Mitch Herckis
Featured eBooks
Digital Government
Dear State and Local Gov: FCC Chair Ajit Pai Is Just Not That Into You
Pai even blew up an intergovernmental advisory committee after members asked to talk to him about its future.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
State CIOs Want Federal Agencies to Get Out of Their Way
NASCIO’s advocacy priorities cite duplicative and conflicting security regulations and audits as a waste of time and money.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
The End of Ron Burgundy? FCC Kills Local Newsroom Requirement
Expect significant repercussions for state and local policy, politics and emergency response.
- By Mitch Herckis
Digital Government
NASCIO: Federal Compliance Exercises Are Hindering State IT
Yejin Cooke, NASCIO’s director of government affairs, is getting the word out on why federal data security rules are holding back innovation—and even security itself—at the state level.
- By Mitch Herckis