Author Archive
Matt Berman

Matt Berman is a news editor at National Journal. Before joining National Journal, he managed social media on the communications team at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Prior to Carnegie, Matt worked in digital roles at The Faster Times, Newsweek International, Talking Points Memo, and Salon. Matt graduated from the George Washington University with a B.A. in Political Science.
Digital Government
John Boehner on NSA: The Senate Must Act, But 'We’ll Certainly Look at What They Do'
The House speaker's remarks on Thursday suggest his chamber hasn't written off a "clean" renewal of the Patriot Act.
- By Marina Koren and Matt Berman, National Journal
Hillary Clinton's Personal Email Use a Blow to White House Transparency Claim
It didn't take long for The New York Times report to take off Monday night.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Emerging Tech
Unmanned NASA Rocket Explodes in Virginia
The failed launch came just one day after NASA scrubbed an earlier scheduled launch due to a stray boat encroaching into the rocket's safety range.
- By Matt Berman and Dustin Volz, National Journal
NSA Reportedly Exploited Heartbleed Bug for Spying Purposes
Because the agency hasn't already reportedly done enough.
- By Matt Berman and Dustin Volz, National Journal
Digital Government
Edward Snowden: Congress's Failures Forced My Hand
The NSA leaker says House and Senate leaders "elected" him by failing to do their oversight jobs themselves.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
How the NBA's Data Revolution Can Make Basketball the Global Sport
The owner of the Sacramento Kings wants to make his team the poster child for big data in sports.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Ruling Against NSA Surveillance Is 'First of Many,' Snowden Says
'The government has granted itself power it is not entitled to,' says leaker.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
The Future of Big Data
TIBCO CEO Vivek Ranadivé knows the evolution of data better than anyone. Here's where he thinks it's moving next.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
Obama: 'I Was Not Informed Website Wasn't Working'
Obamacare Fix Allows Outdated Insurance Plans Through 2014
- By Matt Berman, Marina Koren, Brian Resnick, Matt Vasilogambros and Lucia Graves, National Journal
Digital Government
Want Obamacare? Try the Phone
As technical problems continue at, officials suggest registering by phone.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
BlackBerry Ends Terrible Week With Mass Layoff
Latest iPhone had customers lining up for hours, as BlackBerry made some brutal news.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Featured eBooks
Digital Government
Senator Blasts Security Process That Cleared Navy Yard Shooter, Edward Snowden
Susan Collins, R-Maine, wants a 'thorough congressional investigation' of the clearance system.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
How the Bradley Manning Verdict Avoided a Serious Chill on Whistleblowing
And what it means for the future of national security leaks.
- By Brian Resnick and Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
Lightsabers Can Save Your Life
A new plasma-based scalpel could revolutionize surgery.
- By Matt Berman, National Journal
Digital Government
NSA Forced Verizon To Turn Over Data on Millions of Customers
Big data sets can be used to uniquely identify individuals.
- By Niraj Chokshi and Matt Berman, National Journal