
OPM finds barriers to telework lowering

In its latest report to Congress, the Office of Personnel Management redefined what a teleworker is.


House committee keeps pressing DHS on cybersecurity

Homeland Security Committee Chairman Thompson has asked DHS CIO Charbo for more information on the status of the department's networks.


GSA lowers price of HSPD-12 cards to $82

Under its Managed Service Office contract, GSA announced agencies will pay almost $20 less for HSPD-12 cards than previously estimated.


OMB to agencies: Measure EA value

The Office of Management and Budget is requiring agencies to submit enterprise architecture milestones every quarter for the next 15 months.


Measuring program performance is a global issue

Budget officials from around the world discussed best practices for measuring program results.


OMB clarifies HR line of business

New guidance for Human Resources LOB focuses on the application of A-76 rules.


Security LOB cleared for takeoff

Agencies select shared-services providers for IT security and set up migration plans.


OMB asks agencies for 2008, 2009 goals

The Office of Management and Budget asked agencies to detail where they will be proud to be according to the President's Management Agenda by July 2009.

Digital Government

Vendors claim VA contracts unfair

Industry alleges agency decisions give IBM wired advantage to win 10-year contracts.

Digital Government

FSIO to improve financial software certification process

The Financial Systems Integration Office will try to streamline the certification process by looking only at government-specific requirements.


Air Force, Army push for more innovation

The Air Force has established a community of interest to improve flight-scheduling systems, and the Army is appealing to vendors whose products are still in beta testing.


DOD limits GovWorks buys to $100K

The most recent inspector general audits finds continued problems with Interior's contracting and funding processes.

Digital Government

IAC, ACT recognize military's asset-tracking initiative

Eight federal, state and local projects received the 2007 Intergovernmental Solutions Award for innovation.


OMB finalizes acquisition language for standard desktop configuration

Agencies must include provisions by June 30 in all procurements.


Networx: Now for the hard choices

With Universal and now Enterprise, feds must sort through telecom options.


Army's Carroll honored with Franke award

Kevin Carroll received the John J. Franke award for his consistent and extraordinary service to the government over the past 30 years.


Draft approach to data classification moving forward

DHS, DOJ and others are finalizing a less complex, more consistent way to tag information for all agencies.


Security training effective, survey says

In a survey of federal employees, nearly two-thirds of respondents said their agencies are more secure now than they were a year ago.


OFPP pushes for more competition

Office of Federal Procurement Policy listens to SARA panel recommendations to increase the number of bids for task and delivery orders.


OMB details approach for HR Line of Business migrations

The new guidance takes into account public/private competition rules.