
Contractors are here to stay

One scholar argues that government must rely on contractors or reduce its mission.


FlipSide: A few minutes with…Jonathan Breul

A few minutes with…Jonathan Breul


Evans concerned about legislation to regulate data resellers

Conducting privacy impact assessments on data brokers’ proprietary databases could discourage companies from offering their services to assist federal agencies, the OMB official says.


Partnership for Public Service creates leadership institute for innovation

The institute will teach midlevel career federal employees new approaches to basic supervisory and management responsibilities.


NTEU vows to fight for better labor/management relations

The union said it wants the 2008 presidential election to end nearly eight years "of conflict and struggle" between administration leaders and federal employees.


The collaboration gurus

The Collaboration Project, led by the National Academy of Public Administration, looks to be a center of excellence focused on the Web 2.0 world and how these tools can help government.


A collaboration leader

Angela Norris learned leadership lessons as a member of Voyagers class of 2007.


Audit criticizes DOD’s IT contingency plans

Inspector general's office warns that the apparent lack of a comprehensive IT systems contingency planning policy at DOD could hinder warfighting operations.


Bush wants a security clearance reform plan by April 30

The memo's language reflects concerns that longstanding security clearance practices are preventing employees and contractors from beginning work.


GAO raises red flags on retirement systems modernization

Initial tests of a major software component have identified numerous problems that may not be easily fixed in time to meet OPM’s deadline.



A few minutes with...Steven Squyres


Some at DOD get big raises

The total payout in raises under NSPS was not higher than it would have been under the older General Schedule of pay grades, but the distribution is different.


Web extra: Steven Squyres talks about roving on Mars

The mission of the Mars rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, was supposed to last 90 days. However, the robots’ endurance — more than 1,442 days at the time of this interview — has surprised everyone.


SIIA: Software, information industry benefit economy

Association leaders said a lack of comprehensive immigration reform is creating workforce problems for the software industry and the U.S. economy.


DOD civilian workers to get performance paychecks tomorrow

Employees with the highest job performance rating will see 10 percent average raises in their paychecks.


Council recommends research agenda for National Map project

Focus initially on developing innovative methods for accessing and disseminating geospatial data, the council advises the U.S. Geological Survey.


Stay professional on Facebook, career coach advises

Unprofessional Facebook profiles--and backstabbing--are career blunders to be avoided, an executive coach tells Young Government Leaders.


Candidates should recognize change is hard, report states

“Why not use social-networking technologies to build political support to make [innovation] move faster?” asks Bruce McConnell, president of Government Futures.


Thrift Savings Plan executive wants to rein in day traders

Some federal employees with investments in the Thrift Savings Plan have become such aggressive day traders that the government has stepped in.


IBM study points to need for negotiating skills

Managers can adapt to changing rules of governance in the public sphere by becoming better listeners, the study says.