Digital Government
Industry partners help battle cybercrime
A Michigan sheriff's department is recruiting IT companies to help them understand and track down cybercriminals
Digital Government
Tidemark upgrades transaction tool
With the revamped eConnect, people filing permits can get e-mail updates about their application and tap into GIS databases
Digital Government
West Virginia nixes fiber optics RFP
State won't accept bids after Verizon challenged the project in court, saying it violates the Telecommunications Act of 1996
Digital Government
Mississippi set to step up e-gov
After a two-year best practices study, the state plans to launch a portal and several other applications next year
Digital Government
Forecast grim for state budgets
Information technology projects could feel the pinch because of a projected slowdown in state revenue, according to a new report
Digital Government
School automating food services
Virginia's Fairfax County school district is investing in a system to track the meals it provides to schools and other facilities
Digital Government
Md. governor wraps IT into transit plan
Gov. Glendening wants to redirect state dollars to pay for a smart card transit system and GPS technology that will keep riders informed
Expo acquaints agencies with Net
Kansas invited state employees and legislators to a show this week to demonstrate how the Internet can be used in government
Digital Government
Maryland county eases the commute
Montgomery County, Md., is testing a system that will lead drivers to park-and-ride lots and another that will let bus riders know when the next bus is coming
Digital Government
Alabama automates citizen interaction
The governor's office turned to an automated system last month to keep requests and complaints from falling through the cracks
Digital Government
University plans infosec institute
The Johns Hopkins University Information Security Institute plans to hold its first information security seminars in the spring.
Digital Government
Guide gets IT projects going
The Center for Technology in Government offers an online resource for IT managers to use in planning and evaluating projects
Digital Government
New York wiring money to IT
The state is offering developers up to $75,000 each to help install wiring in existing commercial buildings
Digital Government
Microsoft millions go to tech centers
The company has given $100 million to build tech centers with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Digital Government
Research center opening for info security
Government IT officials will be able to seek guidance and skilled graduates from a new research center at Johns Hopkins University
N.Y. site open for high-tech business
A new state-backed Web site will post more than 40,000 high-tech jobs and give businesses a leg up in the fierce competition for IT workers
Digital Government
Recyclopedia aims to lighten landfill
To spare items that normally might make their way into the local landfill, a California city is playing waste matchmaker.
Permits in store for Sunnyvale
The time-consuming process of acquiring building, electrical, plumbing and other permits can delay new construction and home improvement projects.
The art of the deal
Otto Doll, director of South Dakota's Bureau of Information and Telecommunications, has a way to get buy-in on technology issues from skeptical lawmakers.