Digital Government
FAQs for agencies
Frequently asked questions that agencies need to ask as theydeal with small-business requirements
Digital Government
FAQs for small businesses
Frequently asked questions that small businesses should askif they want to enter the government market
Digital Government
Procurement: Which method to use?
It is a time of change for governmentwide acquisition contracts. What will that mean for how agencies buy goods and services?
Pick a service
Federal agencies will spend the next two years making connection selections that will shape their telecom and data communications for a decade.
Gonzalez brings life lessons to IRS
New deputy CIO's role: Keep agency's modernization on track.
Havekost: E-gov requires muscle
Two CIOs tell AFFIRM lunch that e-government initiatives can be tough to implement.
IRS embraces service-oriented architecture
The agency wants to modernize its online customer service without first going through costly back-end upgrades.
IRS preps seat management study
The agency is asking for initial expressions of interest from vendors who might compete to provide desktop computer services.
Rumble continues over e-gov funding
At the last minute, Senate approves some of Commerce's e-gov budget
Cragg: Defeat stovepipes through common data
The VA and DOD are testing a common repository for demographic data to eliminate duplicative data collection efforts.
Rumble continues over e-gov funding
At the last minute, Senate approves Commerce’s e-gov budget.
The e-government main event: Congress vs. OMB
Lawmakers constrained Commerce from transferring funds to e-gov in fiscal 2005
Commerce gets Senate nod for e-gov money
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved late Friday approximately two-thirds of the Commerce Department’s fiscal 2005 e-government budget.
Blum gets competitive OMB post
Federal competitive sourcing initiative manager Mathew Blum will become OMB's new associate administrator for competitive sourcing.
Digital Government
DOE may pay bonuses based on A-123 compliance
OMB plans to closely monitor agencies' adherence to a new circular that calls for stricter internal financial controls.
Digital Government
Federal architecture poised to become real
Essential building blocks are in place for greater consolidation
Drug data for Katrina evacuees now online
Prescription medicine data for evacuees fleeing Hurricane Katrina’s devastation is now available on a single Web site.