Does anyone want to be a CIO?
Alan Balutis argues that focusing too much on "commodity IT" is an abdication of the CIO's mission.
Obama's management agenda stays the course
The fiscal 2015 budget proposal continues the Obama administration's effort to create a more responsive, agile and dynamic government.
Optimistic for 2014
Alan Balutis outlines his reasons for optimism when it comes to federal IT.
Balutis: A few predictions for 2014
IT will be a hot legislative topic this year, says Alan Balutis.
A different diagnosis for
Alan Balutis argues that program management, not procurement, was the real problem -- and he has suggestions for how to fix it.
Digital Government
Some inconvenient shutdown truths
Do the shutdown politics and coverage make your head spin? Alan Balutis offers a reality check.
5 steps to transforming executive branch management
Alan Balutis is senior director and distinguished fellow at Cisco Systems' Internet Business Solutions Group.
FITARA: Son of Clinger-Cohen?
The latest attempt at IT reform echoes the IT Management Reform Act, better known as watch OMB’s reaction carefully.
Digital Government
Another take on the telework debate
The recent decisions to eliminate telework at major companies show a lack of understanding of the practice's benefits.
Digital Government
Removing barriers to government performance improvement
In his State of the Union address, Obama called for a smarter government. Our readers have some ideas about how to get there.
Transition tips for careerists
Making a good impression on new agency leaders serves you well, writes Alan Balutis, but it takes some finesse.
Where are the bold ideas for remaking government?
In an era of formidable challenges, America needs formidable, and novel, approaches to address them.
Digital Government
At NOAA, there's gambling at Rick's
NOAA's recently revealed reprogramming of funds should come as a shock to no one, says Alan Balutis.
Remembering government IT giants
Columnist Alan Balutis reflects on the important contributions that the late Lynn McNulty and Mark Zelinger made to the federal IT community.
Digital Government
And the winner of the 2012 presidential election is ...
A professor's algorithm sidesteps the hoopla to reveal the winner of the upcoming presidential election, writes columnist Alan Balutis.
For CIOs, tight budgets have a silver lining
Fiscal pressures provide CIOs with an opportunity to prove their value, writes Alan Balutis.
Why career feds are needed now more than ever
The increasingly complicated issues facing agencies are not a good fit for short-term appointees, writes Cisco's Alan Balutis.
Digital Government
The supercommittee's 'do nothing' path to success
Think the so-called supercommittee failed? Columnist Alan Balutis says you should think again.
CIOs: Agents of change in a hostile world
When you consider the challenges CIOs face, it's a wonder they last even two years in the job, says columnist Alan Balutis.