Digital Government
Commission on Care, lawmakers want commercial EHR for VA
The leaders of the Commission on Care are recommending that the Department of Veterans Affairs abandon its homegrown VistA software for a commercial product.
Digital Government
Obama backs 15 of 18 VA commission recommendations
The Veterans Affairs' Commission on Care report includes a recommendation to add a CIO post at the Veterans Health Administration.
Obama looks to avoid cyber arms race
After meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin on the sidelines of G-20 conference, President Barack Obama said he does not want a "Wild, Wild West" scenario when it comes to cyber.
Digital Government
The future of interoperability
There's more work to do to for the VA and the Pentagon to improve health data sharing.
Lawmakers want cyber on the agenda at the G20 summit in China
Six U.S. lawmakers sent a letter to the president asking him to prioritize a discussion of cyberattacks on financial institutions during his upcoming trip to China.
Digital Government
Lawmakers want the latest on new background check agency
Two Democratic lawmakers have asked OPM for a progress report on the planned National Background Investigations Bureau.
Digital Government
Will the MEGABYTE Act save money?
The MEGABYTE Act enshrines key Obama administration IT initiatives into law and promises to save at least $2 billion a year on software spending -- assuming implementation goes according to plan.
Air Force moving to Windows 10 within two years
The Air Force announced it is accelerating its Windows 10 upgrade, with an eye to finishing within two years.
Digital Government
Lawmakers call on major airlines to fix IT issues
A pair of senators asked U.S. airline companies for details on problems with their IT systems.
Cardin: Cybersecurity still top priority, needs more attention
The ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee said cybersecurity remains one of the top priorities for his state and that bad actors are constantly trying to harm U.S. national security.
Hacks targeting Democrats put a spotlight on cyber in Congress
Congress is trying to get its house in order when it comes to cybersecurity, after non-public info on lawmakers was leaked.
Is Will Hurd in trouble?
Will Hurd enjoys a high profile on IT issues as a freshman congressman, but he needs to win a tough election if he wants to keep rising on Capitol Hill.
VA mulls commercial EHR
The Department of Veterans Affairs is rounding up options for potential off-the-shelf health records software to replace its homegrown VistA product.
Digital Government
Questions persist about U.S. Census as Aussie effort lags
The spotlight will be on the U.S. Census Bureau for the 2020 count, especially in light of a major IT fail by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, which prevented thousands of people from completing their mandatory surveys.
Delays in Data Act standards could complicate compliance
A GAO report says the data transparency law holds considerable promise for ensuring that government money is well spent, but data schema and tools for agencies are not yet where they need to be.
Understanding how FITARA grades are calculated
The Government Accountability Office scores agencies' implementation efforts -- and some of the metrics may surprise you.
DOD CIO calls for better industry collaboration on cyber
The Defense Department's Terry Halvorsen said technology firms must work together to craft better cybersecurity solutions.
Understanding how FITARA grades are calculated
The Government Accountability Office plays a big role in determining whether agencies are successfully implementing FITARA.
Digital Government
VA and VistA: Can they be fixed?
VA's homegrown electronic health record system is at an inflection point -- one that encapsulates the state of the agency's entire technology operation.