Audit finds network vulnerabilities at NRC

While rating the IT security as "generally effective," an audit of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Region IV office found several lapses that could leave sensitive data exposed.

NRC names David Nelson as CIO

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has tapped the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' former CIO to be its new IT chief.

NRC sheds 1962 handwriting rule

After 54 years, a rule requiring the atomic energy secretary to handwrite changes to official agency transcripts is being deleted.

Some agencies will miss 2016 email management deadline

Although most agencies are on track to meet a presidential directive to archive email records electronically, a few will need more time.

A new job for Darren Ash

Darren Ash, the longtime CIO of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, is departing for the top tech job at the USDA's Farm Service Bureau.