
HPC boosters back FITARA exemption for national labs

At a Capitol Hill conference, high-performance computer operators and vendors said the powerful machines should not be categorized as garden-variety IT for the purposes of procurement.


National labs' FITARA exemption nixed in Senate funding bill

The Senate bill appropriating fiscal 2017 funds for the Energy Department does not renew a controversial provision that exempted the national labs from Federal IT Acquisition Reform Act rules.

Digital Government

New computer models promise better analysis of underground nuclear tests

New detection technique from LLNL can hone remote analysis of underground nuclear explosions and help find rogue regimes' secret test sites.


Lab reduces false radiation alarms at ports

Fine-tuning cargo radiation-detection gear to rule out red herrings saves money and time, according to the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.


Supercomputers get help with Fortran

The National Labs are using a new tool to integrate the 1950s-era Fortran computer language into their supercomputing infrastructure.