Coast Guard
Biden to sign executive order boosting cybersecurity of ports, maritime vessels
The order empowers the Coast Guard to shore up cyber protections for maritime systems and harden current cyber incident reporting rules.
Maritime cybersecurity is front and center in Coast Guard reauthorization bill
A new Coast Guard reauthorization bill would provide some of the first cybersecurity protections and data management requirements for the U.S. Marine Transportation System in federal law.
Coast Guard wants better internet on its ships, and more recruits
Commandant Fagan ties increased connectivity to operational needs and improving Coasties’ quality of life.
Coast Guard completes MHS Genesis deployment
The U.S. Coast Guard has completed its rollout of the military's new commercial electronic health record system, following a long journey that was paused during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Coast Guard looks to direct commissioning for cyber personnel
The maritime military branch opened up its direct commissioning program to cyber roles in cyberspace operations, cybersecurity, information assurance and cyber threat intelligence.
Coast Guard updates cyber strategy with focus on 'mission platform'
The updated document aims to provide a clearer map for the Coast Guard's cyber priorities, including mitigating vulnerabilities in the maritime supply chain.
Coast Guard confronts harassment and retaliation in the ranks
The U.S. Coast Guard wants to build out its cyber workforce, but will have to contend with budget restraints and culture issues surrounding sexual harassment and retaliation.
DOD, Coast Guard resume MHS Genesis deployment
After a pause because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Defense Department's commercial health record installation program is back online. The Coast Guard is also transitioning to the new system.
Coast Guard plans drone intercept program
The U.S. Coast Guard is developing a counter-drone capability to protect both its own locations and to guard protected assets under special circumstances as provided for under a recent law.
Coast Guard taps DOD's AI group
The Coast Guard looks to DOD's artificial intelligence center to help with helicopter maintenance and domain awareness.
Citing cyber risk, Pentagon watchdog wants to pause JRSS
A new report from the Defense Department's operational test and evaluation director says the Joint Regional Security Stacks program is undermanned and should be halted until security issues are resolved.
As the Coast Guard wrestles with aging IT, cloud is a long-term conversation
U.S. Coast Guard Commandant Adm. Karl Schultz has his eyes on JEDI, but says his service is years away from true cloud adoption.
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