Census Launches New Program to Modernize Supply Chain Data Sources
Through StatVentures, the Census Bureau seeks to improve the quality and speed of data describing the U.S. supply chain.
What the Census Bureau Can Learn From the IRS About Detecting Cyberattacks
Inspectors general from Commerce and Treasury present a tale of two testing regimes.
Census Targets Data Modernization, Cybersecurity Ahead of 2030 Rollout
Officials at the Census Bureau want to give the agency’s operations a strong, data-centric approach to collecting and securing American demographic information.
Statistical Uncertainty Could be Problematic for Evidence-Based Policies, Study Finds
Certain privacy measures, as well as general data errors, can skew funding allocations derived from census information.
For the First Time, Government Asks Public for Input on Census Design
Recommendations from the public will help ensure that the Census Bureau is using the right tools and technology to reach all residents in the 2030 census.
House Chair Looks to Protect Census from Politicization
The legislation applies mostly to the decennial census, which the U.S. government undertakes every ten years.
Census Launches Interactive Demographic Map
The tool aims to provide transparency on racial and income data across the country.
Bill Would Criminalize Census Disinformation
Violators could be fined tens of thousands of dollars if passed.
2020 Census May Have Missed More Than 1.6M Residents
New research from the Urban Institute found that minorities were likely underrepresented in the population count, leaving some states with a windfall of federal funding while others came up short.
The Census Bureau’s First Ever Data on LGBTQ+ People Indicates Deep Disparities
Sexual orientation and gender identity were added to the U.S. Census Bureau’s survey of the pandemic this summer — the first time a national government survey has captured the LGBTQ+ economic experience.
Census servers hacked in 2020
A watchdog report indicates that aging remote-access servers at the Census Bureau were successfully targeted by hackers in early 2020 using a known vulnerability, and while no data was stolen, the incident revealed flaws in the bureau's cybersecurity response.
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