Federal 100 winner: Sen. Tom Carper
Carper, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee’s federal financial management, government information, federal services and international security subcommittee, has focused on how taxpayers' money is spent, especially through agencies’ performance on their IT projects.
Thomas Carper
Chairman of the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee’s Federal Financial Management, Government Information, Federal Services and International Security Subcommittee
Carper has focused on how taxpayers' money is spent, especially through agencies’ performance on their information technology projects.
He has held a number of hearings on strengthening agency IT management and IT security and managing risk. The hearings have focused agencies on identifying the real issues and delivering results, along with the introduction of legislation, said Karen Evans, former Office of Management and Budget administrator for e-government and IT.
Carper's oversight hearings addressed many tough issues, but they have assisted in the release of management information from OMB, such as the Management Watch List and the High Risk List.
“His willingness to champion changes to the Federal Information Security Management Act will ensure that the progress of federal agencies continues,” Evans said.
NEXT STORY: Obama names national health IT coordinator