GSA makes first orders on payroll shared service BPA

GSA issued about $10 million in task orders for shared payroll services under its NewPay initiative.

The General Services Administration has tapped the providers of its NewPay cloud-based shared service to begin modernizing its payroll operations.
In a Sept. 12 statement, GSA said it had written the first orders to Carahsoft and Grant Thornton under its NewPay blanket purchase contract for shared federal payroll services.
The agency awarded the $2.5 billion BPA last September to teams led by Carasoft and Grant Thornton. Grant Thornton was awarded $4.9 million and Carahsoft was awarded $4.7 million, a GSA spokesperson told FCW in an email.
GSA said the task orders announced on Sept. 12 will make two commercial payroll solutions available to the federal government.
GSA has tapped the Technology Modernization Fund to help support the development of the payroll shared service for the federal government. GSA is one of four agencies designated as federal leads for the Office of Management and Budget's Quality Service Management Office. GSA is the human resources QSMO under OMB's plan.
The NewPay service, said GSA, will help agencies deal with aging legacy payroll systems using a "secure, modern, commercial, standards-compliant Software as a Service solution to ensure consistency in payroll outcomes across the federal environment."
"Today's NewPay task orders are an important step in modernizing our federal payroll system as we move forward in providing quality shared services," said GSA Administrator Emily Murphy in the Sept. 12 statement.