Linked In Jumps on the 2-Step Password Train Because It Looks Good

Paul Sakuma/AP file photo
After last year's hack, network moves toward security.
A little less than a year after six million passwords got hacked from the site, LinkedIn has added the more secure two-step verification, probably to look just as responsible as all the other tech sites adding a step these days. LinkedIn hasn't had a breach since the high-profile hack last June, but after Google, Facebook, and most recently Twitter fending off phishing — the second step involves texting a passcode to your cellphone, although Twitter makes you enter it with every login — the social network for business people needed to look more professional than ever and has added the functionality, the company announced in a blog post Friday.
Some might call it overkill to so thoroughly protect a site that doesn't really have that much personal information. (Though, LinkedIn members do provide credit card details to pay for premium subscriptions.) But it's good to get in the habit of doing a lot more leg-work to make sure, you know, someone doesn't sabotage your rsumé. The future is in doubly sure password protection. Plus, as far as hackers are concerned, one site is just the gateway to another — before you know it, they're inside your email and running rampant.