Twitter Tells News Organizations to Expect Even More Hacks in the Future

Steve Byland/
Company suggests anti-hacking techniques.
A little less than a week after a hacked Associated Press account reported a non-existent bombing at the White House, Twitter decided it was time to comfort journalists by warning them that they should expect to get hacked. "We believe that these attacks will continue, and that news and media organizations will continue to be high value targets to hackers," the company said in a memo sent to several news organzations on Monday evening and published by BuzzFeed. In the memo, Twitter offered up a whole host of anti-hacking techniques, including but not limited to not restricting access to the account, changing the password and designating a no-Internet, no-email computer as the go-to Twitter machine, so that employees don't unwittingly fall for a phishing attack. Because that makes sense.
The dedicated computer trick actually does make sense — it just doesn't make good sense. Twitter's suggesting every news organization on the planet set up a special Twitter computer is a little bit bonkers. The rest of the suggestions are pretty standard things that all Internet users should be doing to protect their account, and even the somewhat salacious-sounding warning that hacks will happen is common sense for anybody who knows anything about cybersecurity. What it is not, however, is a display of confidence on Twitter's part that it has its ducks in a row when it comes to security.
(Image via Steve Byland/