GSA Tool Will Verify Fed Social Media Accounts

The State Department uses Tumblr.

The State Department uses Tumblr. State Department

A preview of the tool was shown at an event this week.

The General Services Administration is reportedly working on a validation tool to help people verify whether a Tumblr account, Facebook page or Twitter handle that purports to be from a federal official or agency is legitimate.

Sara Cope over at SocialFeds watched a preview of the tool called the Social Media Registry at an event hosted by DigitalGov University and described it here.

Cope is an information technology official at the Veterans Affairs Department.

The number of government-sponsored social media accounts has ballooned in recent years, leaving federal agencies and officials vulnerable to imitation, either by admirers or detractors.

The social media registry will help reporters, researchers and others ensure they're dealing with a credible source. It will be less helpful, though, at combatting the broad effects of misinformation spread by social media imitators and hackers who tend to prey on people who don't double check their news sources.