GAO Joins Flickr
Looking for the latest images from Government Accountability Office reports? Well, now you can find them on the photo-sharing site Flickr.
On Thursday, the agency announced that it joined the White House and NASA on the site. GAO's page features 36 images that can be viewed and downloaded. All are taken from GAO reports, including "causes and rate of rail accidents, 2000-2009" and "top 20 U.S. seaports by number of foreign seafarer arrivals, fiscal year 2009."
"GAO continues to seek out new, innovative ways to convey our findings," said Gene L. Dodaro, U.S. comptroller general and head of the GAO. "The images in our reports help tell the story of government accountability by making complex concepts and data more understandable. Our Flickr page will allow us to highlight selected images and share them more easily with Congress and the public."
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