A Web Site for the Grand Bargain?

Former Government Accountability Office chief David Walker, now president of the <a href="http://www.pgpf.org/">Peter G. Peterson Foundation</a>, a pulpit where he preaches about the sins of government fiscal irresponsibility and lack of federal managerial rigor, is also a social networking convert.

Former Government Accountability Office chief David Walker, now president of the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, a pulpit where he preaches about the sins of government fiscal irresponsibility and lack of federal managerial rigor, is also a social networking convert.

At a Government Executive breakfast on Monday, Walker talked about how the federal government should manage the numerous and mounting crises affecting the financial sector and the automobile industry, the bleeding Medicare and Social Security programs, the broken bureaucratic culture, along with other problems. (It's was tough talk sometimes. Concerning Americans: "Their leaders have failed them.")

NEXT STORY: Web 2.0 is Now Really Mainstream