FCW Insider: June 29, 2021

The latest news and analysis from FCW's reporters and editors.

DOD to send AI data teams to combatant commands this summer

The Defense Department wants to break AI out of the lab and send out teams of data and artificial intelligence experts in the next month to help combatant commands.

Task force clears the way for vaccinated feds to travel

There are no more governmentwide limits on official travel for vaccinated federal employees.

DOD may be 'overly optimistic' with IT program risks, GAO says

The Government Accountability Office found that DOD often underestimated risks to IT programs compared to its own assessments.

Hassan, Cornyn float bill to create new federal cybersecurity training programs

One part of the bill would create a pilot program to train vets to work in cybersecurity.

Quick Hits

*** Ernest DuBester, currently acting head of the Federal Labor Relations Authority, has been nominated by President Joe Biden to serve as FLRA chairman on a permanent basis.

*** The United States leads the world in cyber capabilities, according to a new study from the International Institute for Strategic Studies. The study looked at offensive and defensive capabilities as well as governance, cyber espionage and global leadership.

*** Incompatible data systems operated by Interior Department bureaus to track oil and gas production on federal lands require the labor of 10 full-time employees to convert data and correct errors, according to a report from the Government Accountability Office.

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