Quick Hits

*** The 2021 National Defense Authorization Act includes a provision recommended by the Cyber Solarium Commission to establish a National Cyber Director position inside the White House.

*** An alert from US-CERT warns of advanced persistent threat activity aimed at think tanks, especially those focused on international relations and national security policy. "Given the importance that think tanks can have in shaping U.S. policy, CISA and FBI urge individuals and organizations in the international affairs and national security sectors to immediately adopt a heightened state of awareness and implement the critical steps listed in the Mitigations section of this advisory," the alert states.

*** A bill sponsored by Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) to make the payroll tax holiday for federal employees optional failed to pass via unanimous consent on Dec. 3. Van Hollen and others are concerned about the tax bills that will face federal employees in 2021 as a result of a temporary reprieve from social security taxes which was designed as economic stimulus.