TechFAR Hub Aims to Clear Up Buzzwords Like 'Agile' and 'Open Source'

fatmawati achmad zaenuri/
USDS and OMB's procurement policy office collaborated on the TechFAR hub.
Prominent White House techies want to help government buyers embrace digital trends such as agile product development without breaking the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
The White House on Tuesday unveiled a new "TechFAR Hub," an online repository for information about buying digital services. It's designed to help acquisition professionals understand how best to buy new technology, but also to allow those professionals to share their own experiences with each other.
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As terms like agile development, software as a service, and open source software are becoming increasingly common in government, the TechFAR Hub is a "central online location to ask questions and share best practices on these topics," according to a blog post written by U.S. Digital Service Administrator Mikey Dickerson and Chief Acquisition Officer Anne Rung.
The Office of Management and Budget and USDS collaborated on the original TechFAR handbook in 2014, and again this year to produce the TechFAR Hub.
The site will include educational classes, podcasts and case studies, and also a "solicitation builder" tool for procurement officers, according to an OMB press release.