What Google's X Lab Is Cooking Up Next

One of Google's driverless cars in action, a product of the company's X-lab Eric Risberg/AP
The company's secretive research office working on a number of neat tech innovations
For the latest goings-ons inside Google's not-so-secret "secret" X lab, Bloomberg Businessweek's Brad Stone spent some time there, giving us a peak at the futuristic "moon shot" ideas the Google geeks are working on these days. While the X lab houses a lot of cooky ideas that never see the light of day, the "top-secret" innovation hub birthed the world's favorite face computer, Google Glass, and Google's controversial driverless cars. So as outlandish as some of the following ideas may sound, they're all in the works or they suddenly aren't, per Businessweek's new cover story — yes, even the balloons — and, hey, maybe they'll come true, too.
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