Fairly reporting the sequester

The Conversation: FCW's reporters and editors respond to your comments.
Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.)
To a story reporting on Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) blaming conservatives for the sequester in a speech, an anonymous commenter writes: This is one of the most blatantly one-sided political hack articles that I have had the misfortune to read. I understand that Ms. Norton wants to blame her political opposition. But where is the corresponding article laying out the Republican, Tea Party and conservative positions? Why isn't FCW reminding readers that the initial proposal for a sequester came from the Obama White House, not the House or Senate. Where is the outrage over the fact that the Democrat-controlled Senate has failed to address a national budget for over 4 years? These are some of the issues that you should be addressing.
Camille Tuutti responds: As a publication focused on the people, power and policies that influence federal IT, we are not interested in pushing any type of agenda ... other than the federal IT agenda! Jokes aside, this brief article was about an event and focused on her words as a keynote speaker. It was not an attempt to definitively evaluate the reasons that the sequester is happening, or to determine to whom blame should be ascribed.
The speech took place just days after the sequester took effect and reflects her perspective as D.C.'s non-voting congressional delegate, clearly frustrated with the situation. She was speaking to an audience of federal managers and employees at risk of being furloughed, so that surely played into her rhetoric and topic of discussion.