House passes funding through March 18

Congress is working to avoid government shutdown that would take place March 4. A continuing resolution passed today by the House of Representatives would continue funding for most federal agencies through March 18.

House Republican leaders said the House’s CR makes the cuts they want.

The House today passed legislation to continue funding the government through March 18.

The continuing resolution (CR) passed 335-91. The measure now goes to the Senate, which is expected to approve it.

The government has been on the brink of a shutdown, as funds will run out March 4 unless Congress acts. Experts have said lately the likelihood of a furlough has decreased for now. However, Congress and President Barack Obama have merely pushed back the date for dealing with differing views on spending cuts.

Related story:

Government shutdown could get postponed

“This CR follows through on our commitment to get Washington to begin to live within its means and prevents potential shutdown by focusing on cuts that have garnered broad bipartisan support,” House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) said after the vote.

The short-term measure proposed by House Republicans last week would permit federal agencies to continue operating at current funding levels, except for eight programs that were marked for significant cuts or termination in Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget request.

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry (D-Nev.) has said Democrats are cautiously optimistic about Republicans' move away from cuts Democrats consider drastic.

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